IELTS Preparation (Academic) will support you in tackling the IELTS test. The course follows the format of IELTS very closely and prepares you to successfully attempt each part of the test with rich array of interactive learning materials and by developing your English skills over a broad range of topics. All learning activities in this course have been designed by a team of IELTS teachers and examiners, using authentic materials and a wealth of tips and advice. The course is built around a series of characters and scenarios and Oska, your mentor, will guide you through your learning, introducing you to a diverse set of experiences as you go.
The learning outcomes are:
- Focus your listening in relation to a purpose
- Recognise contextual cues
- Select information from an audio text to complete a task
- Locate structural text markers
- Identify essential information from a variety of sources
- Apply reading strategies to unfamiliar texts
- Provide accurate summaries of text
- Find key information in a text or diagram
- Recognise fact and opinion in a text
- Understand paragraph structure
- Identify author's perspective in text writing
- Identify and interpret graphs and tables
- Use appropriate language to report statistical information
- Write a description of graphic information
- Identify the main features of a paragraph and write structured paragraphs
- Recognise and use language structures or various essay styles
- Plan and write an academic essay using a variety of styles
- Identify and interpret graphs and tables
- Use appropriate language to report statistical information
- Write a description of graphic information
- Identify the main features of a paragraph and write structured paragraphs
- Recognise and use language structures or various essay styles
- Plan and write an academic essay using a variety of styles
- Develop the confidence of speaking and responding to a speaker
- Clarify and extend conversation
- Recognise cohesion through the use of linking devises
- Make statements of opinion
- Self correct in a conversation
- Conduct an extended conversation on a suggested theme
APLC provides a 16-hour Workshop to prepare students for IELTS examination. The IELTS 16-Hour workshop is RM1150.