International Credit Mobility | Asia Pacific University (APU)

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International Credit Mobility

Students from APU who study with a partner institution will study modules delivered and assessed by the partner institution. Module passed at the partner institution will be mapped against the APU curriculum for Credit Transfer consideration.

Credit transfer is based on module-to-module mapping. General requirements in considering a credit transfer application:

  • A student must pass the partner module with a minimum grade C or equivalent.
  • The credit value of the module completed must be the same or higher than the credit value of the APU module.
  • A minimum of 80% curriculum/syllabus matching between the partner module and the APU module must be demonstrated.

For modules approved for Erasmus+ credit transfer from a recognised APU MOU partner:

  • The credits will be transferred with grades.
  • The module grade will be computed in the Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative GPA of the university study programme.
  • The credits for the module concerned will be considered for completion requirements for graduation.

For modules that do not meet Erasmus+ credit transfer requirements:

  • Modules will be identified as ‘additional modules/credit’ on the student’s final transcript.
  • The credits for unmapped modules will not be considered for completion requirements for graduation.