APU PhD Candidates Advance Smart Governance and Green Computing at MyDCIS | Asia Pacific University (APU)

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APU PhD Candidates Advance Smart Governance and Green Computing at MyDCIS

At the Malaysia Doctoral Consortium for Information Systems (MyDCIS), a national platform for doctoral scholars, APU’s School of Technology (SoT) PhD candidates received valuable feedback from renowned professors, which resulted in successful papers being published and the top three being nominated for international competition, highlighting the candidates’ growth and the practical application of their research in addressing critical issues.

The Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation’s (APU) School of Technology (SoT) made a strong showing at the Malaysia Doctoral Consortium for Information Systems (MyDCIS), a prestigious national platform for PhD candidates, where they were assessed and mentored by renowned professors from across the country.

Led by the Event Director from APU’s SoT, Associate Professor Dr Shahrinaz Ismail, MyDCIS was organized by Association for Information Systems - Malaysia Chapter (MyAIS) on 15th February 2025.

Hosted and co-sponsored by Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) at their Shah Alam Campus, the event was officially opened by Assoc Prof Ts Dr Wan Azlan Wan Hassan, Dean of the Faculty of Communication, Visual Arts and Computing (FCVAC).

MyDCIS, an annual highlight for doctoral scholars in Information Systems (IS), Business, and Management, provides a vital opportunity to present research and receive expert feedback.

Proposals underwent rigorous review by IS experts before being accepted for presentation, with all successful papers to be published in the ‘Exploring Information Systems Research Boundaries (EISRB) – Series 7’ book chapter by MyAIS.

Among the twelve (12) successful candidates, SoT’s own Ms Hemalatha Vasudavan and Ms Khurshid Begum Abdul Jabbar, both APU PhD candidates, presented their research in the Quantitative and Qualitative tracks, respectively.

Ms Hemalatha Vasudavan presenting her quantitative research (left), while Ms Khurshid Abdul Jabbar presenting her qualitative research (right) at MyDCIS, held at Universiti Selangor (UNISEL).

Notably, the three best papers will be nominated for the international Doctoral Consortium for Information Systems (DCIS) in July 2025.

Ms Hemalatha, a first-time participant, found the experience enriching.

“My research, analysing information system success factors for smart governance services in Malaysia, received constructive evaluation from highly experienced professors.

“Their feedback was invaluable to my research process,” she added, “MyDCIS provided an opportunity to apply theory practically, refine analytical skills, and network with scholars, exceeding my expectations and contributing significantly to my professional growth.”

Ms Khurshid, also a first-time attendee, presented her research on developing a sustainable Green Computing curriculum framework for higher education institutions in the face of climate change.

“The rapid degradation of climate change necessitates institutions integrate comprehensive frameworks, recognising Green Computing and sustainability as crucial elements,” she explained.

“However, current educational models are fragmented, limiting the potential impact of sustainable education.”

She found the panellists’ feedback particularly insightful, and they emphasised the need for a specific research problem and endorsed their framework as a benchmark.

“The session provided clarity and a clear direction for my PhD. The panellists’ articulated points of improvement were a valuable way forward.”

From right, MyDCIS Event Director Associate Professor Dr Shahrinaz Ismail from APU’s SoT poses with the MyAIS Main Committee Members.